Saturday, March 17, 2007

I Don't Get It

After Friday's Montessori Union Meeting.

The following is being posted on behalf of Mayo:
Wow! I am so surprised that the proposed schedule didn't pass! Mostly because I still never heard what people didn't like about a few more minutes each day and leaving early on Friday (especially if you're on late schedule). I do believe that people were confused by early talks of passing time, the possibility of still having community overlaps, possible extra advisory periods, etc. BUT I thought it was clear that the vote was only about start and end times. AND that Nigel could, with either schedule, do pretty much whatever he wants in between. So now that it's over, could we possibly hear from people who voted it down about what they didn't like about it?


Anonymous said...

My guess is that we will not hear from many, if any, of our colleagues about why they voted down a schedule that while needing kinks to be worked out had great potential to suit the needs of all concerned. It could have even been used to give extra time to freshman math and english which as we all know is very necessary since the 9th grade is the fundation of a sucessful high school career.
Now, I know that what we really were suppose to vote on was the change in end times Monday through Friday BUT that went along with a proposed schedule and I believe was the proposed schedule that was shot down NOT the change in end times.
While the weather might have kept many from attending the whole school UFT meeting I am beginning to doubt that the attendance would have been much different under differnt circumstances. Decisions had already been made. I could speculate about why a constructive conversation did not take place BEFORE the vote but my speculations would be based on rumors and what I percieve as false beliefs. In fact, the rumors and innuedo that is around QHST is disappointing and so beneath professional behavior that I don't want to believe what is coming through the grapevine. So I hope to hear from many instead of just a few. I want my guess to be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious to how many actually voted? Do we have a final number?

W Brown said...

I believe it was 38 for the new schedule, and 62 voted to keep it the same way....

Anonymous said...

I get it!

I just don't want it, don't buy it, and certainly don't believe in it.

It seems that I hear a lot about what the admin is NOT doing but then WE get the opportunity to create something new....

Did anyone mandate that the "extra" advisory period had to be the same set up that we have now? Could we not think out of the box and create new value for the kids? I suggested something and got yelled at for it. As the kids say, "Whatever"!

Yes, I teach 3 in a row. I did it last year and I do it this year. It is tough. If I taught 4 in a row I would be exhausted. Oh, wait a minute! I also have 2 days a week where I teach one or two classes. Can it be that life isn't so bad after all?

I voted YES for the new schedule because I could see real potential in it. On the other hand, I also admit voting for Bush (twice) so maybe I don't know what the hell I am talking about.


W Brown said...

Don't worry most of America voted for Gore...your votes didn't count.

Anonymous said...

you are not doing much teaching if you are teaching four in a row.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't our contract still prevent four in a row? We wouldn't have throw out the UFT contract.