Saturday, March 15, 2008

Where is the Advisor in Advisory?

Advisory. My passion.

I love everything about advisory- mixed grade levels, the ability to "know" a small group of students, small group size, flexibility of what to teach....

Recently, at an MFM(Montessori Faculty Meeting) as well as in the Sophomore team meetings, we have been discussing the role of the advisor.

Advisory is quite diverse in the Montessori community, with mixed grade level classes and a variety of lessons and ideas shared during our one period a week meeting. I like that all advisors teach different things based on what they feel is best for their advisees.

At the MFM, we've identified the many different views and perspectives on "What is Advisory" and have been looking towards a more academic focus.

In addition to this, the Sophomore team has discussed how the role of the advisor seems to be a bit lost when it comes to communication, and we've identified the issue, and will be taking action to informing advisors so that they can be in more of an academic role.

"We schedule what we value." I agree. With such diverse needs of each advisee, how do we make it work? What was the original vision of advisory?

I believe I understand what advisory is about and agree with it, but struggle to make it "ideal." With responsibilities becoming more demanding, how do you get it all done without feeling like you are missing something?


Anonymous said...

I am a fan of ADV as well. I loove how I have a differen't relationship with my advisees. I do miss mixed grade ADV's and so do our students, however same grade level ADV's are exceptionally good for "kid talk". Meeting with all of your advisee's teachers three times a week is beneficial for not letting students fall through the cracks (sorry about the buzz term, it seemed fitting)!

How does Montessori handle this situation? If you are in the ninth grade cohort and have a senior advisee, how do you communicate with the senior's teachers? That was our biggest problem that we could not solve. Once we went into the cohort model, this became rather frustrating. I think most of us feel that mixed grade is better for the student socially, but were unsuccesful when it came to "kid talk". I would love to be able to do both again!

W Brown said...

This document we are hoping will help facilitate better communication.