Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Early Literacy Assessment

Quiz them-- both orally and on paper
Listen to their retellings
Have them read from the basic sight word list
Select a variety of papers that demonstrate their progress in spelling
Administer and score an attitude survey for each one
Give them the unit pretests and prepare the end-of-level posttests
Prepare a cloze passage for them
See if each one can segment a word into phonemes
Take a running record on all of them
Review their standardized test scores
Make audiotapes of everyone's oral reading for the portfolios
Check with the reading specialist on the progress of caseload kids
Now let's see...seems like there was something else I was supposed to
do by the end of the week. Hmmmmm. What was that?
Oh. Goodness me, I nearly forgot.

Steven L. Layne

Thanks for the poem MAYO

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