Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let Us Shine

Two weeks ago I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to work on my facilitation skills with Emily White. Upon entering the room where the workshop was to be held I quickly found myself joined by a unique grouping of individuals. Three of the four assistant principals from my school, seven of the nine grade level facilitators, three aspiring principals, my current principal (Nigel Pugh) and Emily. I felt a little like how freshmen who are placed in a senior study hall by mistake must feel.

The first task we were asked to complete is to interpret a postcard randomly drawn from a pile. The question was then posed, “What does this card say about your current role as a school leader?”

I was given the attached picture. At first I thought “Argh the beach….I hate the beach…I like the beach….but I don’t like being half naked at the beach.” But I digress…

Looking at the picture I think I had one of those AH HA moments. I was able to make some real connections. I work on an amazing grade level team at QHST. The energy level of each member seems unending and is only overshadowed by their passion.

At any given time each member shines. Generally we are all in tune with common goals but can also embrace a slight bit of ambiguity when life deals us some. A good leader is an individual who can step out of the team’s infectious radiance, put on a pair of shades, and articulate possible difficult questions we are not asking.

The best teams have members who feel entitled to put on the shades at a given point and let the others shine. Every member has done just this at some point. Having the opportunity to sit on the side and reflect is important as a leader.

I guess what I’m trying to say is [ I already know Mayo and Barkan will disagree] during Small Learning Community Meetings, surrounded by respected colleagues whom I’ve come to hold in high regard, is in some way like going to the beach.


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